
AP Biology class blog for discussing current research in Biology

Cancer Prevention, at the supermarket

Cancer Prevention, starting at the super market

In a recent Fox News article, an analysis was done on ten different foods and their health benefits. Remarkably, each of these common foods were found to help not only one’s general health, but also can lower the chances of getting many different forms of cancer.

#1) Red Peppers

These spicy vegetables are packed with capsaicin. This amide is what gives the pepper heat and also can be a great pain reliever. Yet, the capsaicin found in the peppers can also have cancer prevention benefits due to their ability to inhibit harmful nitrosamines.

#2) Avocado

A very common ingrediant in many dishes, avacado can have many health benefits. Filled with antioxidants called glutathione, eating some avacado can boost your immune system and its ability to protect against invading pathogens. In fact, glutathione has been called “the mother for all antioxidants” for its ability to help prevent a number of diseases, including cancer.

#3) Carrots

Rich in beta-carotene, carrots can help reduce risk of getting a number of cancers including lung, prostate and breast cancer.

#4) Flax Seeds

Loaded with antioxidants these cheap and good tasting seeds can be found in every super market.They are high in omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce one’s risk of being infected with breast and colon cancer.

#5) Onions

Onions can be power houses of immune system benefits. All onions are made up of allium compounds which can help protect against  many carcinogens associated with cancer. The allium can strength cells ability to keep cancer cells out and can slow down or even prevent the development of tumors.

#6) Green Tea

This easy to buy tea is known to help block almost every cancer there is, ranging from colon to breast cancer. Green tea is especially healthy as it full of polyphenols that have many of the benefits of antioxidants. Polyphenols have amazing traits such as being able to cut off blog supply to tumors and in turn help in their destruction.

#7) Licorice Root

While licorice candy does not have the same benefits, the root itself is filled with glycyrrhizin. This chemical can block many of the negative effects of testosterone and overall can deter the development of cancers affected by the hormone.

#8) Rosemary

This common herb is found in almost every kitchen and food store in the country. Not only can rosemary spice up food, it also has be proven to help prevent both breast and skin cancers when consumed regularly.

#9) Seaweed

Seaweed may not seem like the most appetizing of all these cancer fighting agents, but it is a more common ingredient than you think. In fact, if you have ever eaten sushi, seaweed has been on your plate more times than not. Filled with beta-carotene, protein, vitamin B12, fiber, and chlorophyll, seaweed contains many fatty acids which can prevent breast cancer in both males and females.

#10) Turmeric

Turmeric is a common find in any produce section. It is loaded with many anti-inflamatories which can slow down the production of enzymes in your body connected to colon cancer.


Thanks for reading. The next time you are in the produce section of the supermarket, do forget to pick up a few of these ingredients, it can only help you.

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  1. inewitt

    Very interesting, I always like to see the hidden benefits, and also weaknesses in certain foods. Unfortunately there are also some foods that are not helpful in preventing cancer, and can even increase its likelihood.

  2. sciencegirl025

    Great article. It’s definitely a great idea to keep an eye out for foods that are not only tasty but also very nutritious and beneficial to your health. In addition to ensuring you add some of these necessary and vital foods to your diet, you should also keep an eye out for some foods that you should try to never eat, or if possible, eat very minimally. Check out this article: it has a list of foods that scientists such as endocrinologists and toxicologists, say they would never eat! I’m sure you would take these suggestions into great consideration since they are coming from experts in the field!

  3. henroids

    I’ll definitely keep an eye out for some of these foods next time I’m asked to do the food shopping. Not only is food important for preventing cancer it’s extremely important if you have cancer. During chemotherapy your immune system is weakened, and it’s important to eat right to keep your body in the best possible condition. has some great tips on eating right during treatment. Even if you don’t have cancer eating right is important, so take a look at webmd for some healthy food ideas.

  4. troybolton

    How interesting! It is cool to think how natural substances can have surprising health effects similar to that of pharmaceuticals. This reminds me of the health benefits of Pomegranates. This fruit contains compounds called punicalagins, which are responsible for all its benefits. These compounds are shown to be good for the heart and blood vessels.

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