
AP Biology class blog for discussing current research in Biology

Tardigrades: Tiny Survivors in Denmark

What happened to the Tardigrade when it was bit by a zombie…? The tardigrade went into cryptobiosis,  half-dead state! 

The University of Copenhagen’s research reveals the widespread presence of microscopic water bears, or tardigrades, in Denmark’s diverse environments. Previously associated with extreme locations like Mount Everest and deep seas, tardigrades were found in soil, moss, and rain gutters across the country. Using environmental DNA analysis, scientists identified 96 unique tardigrade DNA sequences, indicating a diverse and previously underestimated population.

Tardigrades, resembling chubby teddy bears, exhibit unparalleled resilience, surviving freezing temperatures, desiccation, extreme radiation, and even the vacuum of outer space. Tardigrades, with unique genomic features enabling resilience in these harsh environments, intrigue scientists exploring the genetic mechanisms behind their remarkable adaptability. The study, the first of its kind in over 50 years, highlights the importance of tardigrades in local ecosystems and their unique ability to enter cryptobiosis, a state where metabolic activities are suspended. This extraordinary survival mechanism sparks interest in various scientific fields, including biomedicine and space research, as researchers explore the potential applications of tardigrade abilities in enhancing the resilience of other organisms. According to the article ‘Once-in-a generation’ tardigrade fossil discovery reveals new species in 16-million-year-old amber, discovering rare tardigrade fossils, like Pdo. chronocaribbeus, can help scientists learn more about the changes that happened during important events in tardigrade evolution. This includes understanding how they became some of Earth’s tiniest animals with legs.

In AP Bio’s Unit 3 on Cell Communication, we explored the world of Tardigrades very vaguely, but I was intrigued to know more. As part of the learning experience, I took the opportunity to complete an extra credit creative project about Tardigrades. I discovered so many captivating and cool facts about these water bugs. Although labeled as aquatic due to their dependence on water to prevent dehydration, Tardigrades possess a remarkable capacity to withstand extremely dry and harsh conditions. A key player in this resilience is the Tardigrade-specific Intrinsically Disordered Protein (TDP). When tardigrades experience dehydration, TDP replaces intracellular water, forming a glass-like substance. This unique mechanism preserves the integrity of their cellular structures, contributing to their ability to endure hostile environments.

In my creative Tardigrade project, I reimagined Tyler, the Creator’s “Flower Boy” album cover by replacing the bees with tardigrades. As I explored the connection between tardigrades and the album’s meaning, I discovered their remarkable ability to endure extreme environments, mirroring the metaphorical journey depicted in “Flower Boy.” Much like tardigrades thriving in harsh habitats, Tyler, the Creator explores the resilience needed to navigate life’s extremes. The album’s aquatic imagery aligns with tardigrades’ dependence on water for survival, fittingly nicknamed “water bears.” Water, symbolizing life and change, parallels the exploration of fluctuating experiences and emotions in “Flower Boy,” echoing the dynamic environments where tardigrades thrive. 

The University of Copenhagen’s research highlights the widespread presence and remarkable resilience of tardigrades in Denmark. From genetic studies to creative projects, the exploration emphasizes the significance of these tiny creatures in scientific understanding and survival strategies. What’s your take on the incredible resilience of tardigrades? Share your thoughts or any interesting facts you know!

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1 Comment

  1. Sandovalosome

    Hey, Summercules! I enjoyed learning more about Tardigrades now that we’ve discussed them in AP Bio. The widespread presence and diversity of Tardigrades in Denmark is incredible, especially since popular belief led to thinking the opposite. Specifically, I was fascinated to read about the genomic features of the Tardigrades that aid in surviving harsh conditions. The concept of cryptobiosis is very intriguing and highlights the extraordinary survival mechanisms Tardigrades possess. I’m curious about the potential applications of tardigrade abilities in biomedicine and if there are more studies/experiments exploring how these unique traits could be harnessed to enhance the resilience of other organisms? Inspired by your post, I continued exploring. I found extremely fascinating research involving Tardigrade proteins in biomedical and pharmacological esearch.,apoptotic%20and%20anti%2Dosmotic%20agents.

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