There is a strong connection between emotions and body parts, specifically embodied emotions. Embodied emotions have existed for several years and still impact the way people express their emotions today.

A recent study performed by science shows how Neo- Assyrians in Mesopotamia analyzed words or phrases which ultimately highlighted hidden emotional meanings. For example, one connection includes the heart with happy emotions. The heart is a symbol for joy and positivity. This can be displayed biologically, culturally, or socially.

On the other hand, the stomach is viewed as sorrow and sadness. Majority of people encounter stomach pain when they are anxious or stressed. This may cause nausea or tightness which triggers stress in the digestive system.

Additionally, some emotional connections have not been translated to society today. Neo- Assyrians believed that the liver displays positive emotions and happiness due to its large size and major role within the human body. Due to the liver’s vital role in the body it is considered the “seat of the soul” which is connected to an individual’s fortune and strength which are significant qualities to have. The liver controls blood production which is essential for survival, therefore it conveys a healthy life. Nowadays, livers do not have a symbolic meaning like a heart does. The liver has lost its symbol which shows how society can change the different interpretations on emotions. Emotional Wheel by Robert Plutchik, he leaves out shame & pride

This raises concern and curiosity about how emotional associations can connect to different qualities and interpretations. These findings show that the way we explain or analyze emotions is not just dependent on biological and physical features. Societal and cultural aspects influence and form out opinions on a specific body part.

Neuroscientist, Juha Lahnakoski, acknowledges that certain analyses of emotions may feel obvious, but they were developed as societal norms and interpretations around us that have shaped our emotional experiences.

The study and research of embodied emotions displays interesting data on the way humans express themselves. By looking into the past  we can better understand how emotions and history connect and how it correlates to us expressing our emotions.

This correlates to what we have learned in AP biology this year since we have learned about enzymes. Enzymes play a key role in the liver since they break down substances. Enzymes carry out detoxifications, protein synthesis, metabolism and digestion. Enzymes also provide the oxidation of drugs and toxins. These enzymes allow the liver to get rid of these harmful substances in the body and to have quick reactions for a healthy body, which shows its major role in the body, resulting in a positive symbol.

I’m curious what other research we can do to uncover other hidden body part meanings and symbols?

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