
AP Biology class blog for discussing current research in Biology

1930’s Dust Bowl (MARS EDITION)


Mars has experienced dust storms for years now, so a simple one is nothing new; however, by October 29th of this year, the dust storms will be at their all time high according to NASA. The dust storms on Mars are so strong that back in 2007 (the most recent larger one), the storm dimmed the sun, reducing the solar power available to two rovers on different sides of the planet. This continues to be an issue as the storms increase, limiting the power available to the rovers, and leaving them alone. Not only do dust storms threaten rovers, but astronauts too. Future astronauts will have to face tremendous winds, extreme dust, and lack of solar energy like the rovers. Furthermore, research from the past will now to indicate a pattern to predict future storms as the storms have thus far indicated a cycle and with further observation will continue to prove true.

I chose to write about the mars dust storm because besides the fact that I am utterly obsessed with space, the dust storms and the recent water finding on mars bring us closer to finding a planet just like ours, and thusly in the far future a refuge planet in the event of disaster on earth. By creating a history of dust storms we can evaluate the safety and conditions of this planet as we continue to learn about it.



NASA develops model to predict global dust storms on Mars


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  1. evansymes

    When I read this I can’t help but feel like its ridiculous for us as a society to be contemplating attempting to colonize Mars. I just read this article in the New York Times and it outlined how miserable the trip would be, and how impossibly difficult sustaining life there would be. It talked about how your mental state, muscles and bones would essentially break down in the ship on the way there. Then it mentioned that there is no guarantee that Mars has water and that it definitely doesn’t have Oxygen. Now I read your article and I see that the dust storms on Mars are getting increasingly worse. If Mars was a place on earth it would rank extremely highly on “worst places to live” clickbait article. However because it would take nine months to get there in mankind’s fastest space rockets suddenly its the hottest 2025 vacation destination out there. Excuse me but I’m fine staying on earth where we have livable temperature, wifi, and atmospheric oxygen levels.


    EDIT: Trump has been elected President.

    good news guys apparently the curiosity rover found that temperatures in the Gale area on Mars might possibly be slightly more suitable to microbial life than we previously thought. Since Trump is gonna ruin the planet this faint glimmer of hope is probably our best chance. I’ve already packed my bags.

    congrats Donald Trump.

    RIP Earth ~200,000 BC, – 2016 AD

    Mars here we come.

  2. hutcherozygous

    You mentioned at the end that the dust storms could be signs that “bring us closer to finding a planet just like ours,” yet it could be the opposite. While the people on earth are worried about the reduced sunlight, imagine what would happen if we were on mars, completely smothered in dust. I think the fact that mars is going to experience their highest recorded dust storm pushes us in the opposite direction, further away from finding another habitable planet. More on this theory:

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