During their experiments with nano-particles, researchers a the university of Michigan have found that some basic principles of movement cause structures to form in crystals. The university of Michigan has been doing experiments with Nano technology for quite some time now. This particular experiment’s goal was to find a way to make self-assembling particles, but it had some interesting implications. The nano-particles were made to spin like pinwheels, some clockwise and some counterclockwise. This had the effect of particles spinning in the same direction sticking together without any means of attraction. If two pinwheels are both spinning clockwise, and they intersect, like gears turning the same direction, they will get stuck together, on a scale of millions, it quickly separates into areas that are distinctly clockwise only and counterclockwise only, with channels in between that particles can flow through freely. This is the beginning of a nano-pump forming, without any attraction causing the particles to stick together. This shows that billions of years ago, life on earth may have begun without the need for anything more complex than spinning particles sticking together to form nano pumps.


source: http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/20140125190748.shtml

nano particles
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